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Betfair API-NG - Version 1.3h Released

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  • What market was that you where on?


    • Morning :-)

      I'm on Aus v South Africa (4th ODI) Match Odds

      Using the Aussie Wallet. Currently in the innings break so not much going on at the minute. Still half the game to go.


      • Let me know when its back on, and I will trace my side


        • 2nd inns started now - sky 403



          • wow, just traced a huge timeout issue on that market


            • Originally posted by westerner View Post
              API horrible again for the Aus v SA cricket this morning, Seems it just can't handle a surge in requests. As soon as market volume increases on wickets/boundaries etc. it freezes and can take 10-15 secs to recover. Not far from unusable.
              Originally posted by Keefter View Post
              yeah I'm on the gee gee's and its close to unusable, completely unstable.
              Originally posted by westerner View Post
              Response times for me during a quiet period...yuck....gets worse and freezes in busier spots.
              Souhlasím, začíná to být vážně k nepoužívání. Po otevření trhu, jsou již sázky dávno položeny.
              Začíná se z toho stávat jen sázková kancelář a to je nepřijatelné. Skutečně 10 až 15 vteřin - tragédie.

              Google translate:
              I agree, it's getting serious for non-use. After the opening of the market, are already laid bets ago.
              It starts from it becoming a bookmaker and it is unacceptable. Indeed 10-15 seconds - tragedy.


              • Glad it's not just me tbh - it's been like it all match and has been like this for the previous 3 games too


                • Original:
                  Geekovi rada: Použijte starší PC (pomalé připojení internetu, slabou grafickou kartu, málo výkoný počítač) né každý má výkoné PC.
                  A uvidíte o čem je řeč. Tady se chyby jasně zviditelní. Verze 1.2 byla rychlá a v pohodě i na slabém PC.

                  Google translate:
                  Geek tip: Use an older PC (slow internet connection, poor graphics card, little computer performance) Not everyone has the power of the PC.
                  And see what's going on. Here is the error clearly visible. Version 1.2 was fast and cool even on weak PC.


                  • Nothing we can do about crap responses from betfair.

                    No matter what version of the toy, if it get time-outs & errors from betfair, it has nothing to display.


                    • Just can't believe how inept Betfair have been about this. They are absolutely ruining their product.


                      • Why other products on BF are ok?


                        • yeah Oz API feels awful right now, with all the other problems it's difficult to tell whether it is BF or the Toy unfortunately. I'm still suffering complete freeze on average once an hour.


                          • Just tried Aus API the response times are very poor. Probably Betfair not the Toy.


                            • Hello. How about we all write an e-mail to - the betfair developer program team. Lets spam them a bit and make them know about our problems? I already wrote an e-mail.


                              • Originally posted by Minapark View Post
                                Why other products on BF are ok?
                                Just took a peek at "other" forums, and they have noticed this AUS issue as well

