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Betfair API-NG - Version 1.3h Released

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  • #76

    entire toy frozen
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    • #77
      Originally posted by slofman View Post
      entire toy frozen
      See this thread:

      Hopefully the scheduled update from BF fixes it as it does seem particularly bad today.


      • #78
        Originally posted by chuck536 View Post
        Ohh well that will make us all feel better between now and whenever it happens as we all slowly lose the will to live, and possibly cash as-well. Maybe if they want to get it done quicker they should put the premium charge up some more, that way they'd have more money to throw at it.
        I prefer you don't ever write about something like that ! Not ever again! The PC is high enough already! Don't you dare give them "smart" ideas. Any increase will trigger a proper response from my side!
        Originally posted by The Geek View Post
        Be careful what you wish for.
        I hope this is nothing you've heard, its just a warning.


        • #79
          Just adding my 2 pence worth....

          Been up trading the cricket on the Aussie wallet through the night and the API has been very laggy, sticky, unresponsive at times (especially after key moments e.g. wickets, boundaries etc.)

          Not sure if this is API, Toy or a bit of both but it's an absolute shocker when trading. My disdain for Betfair is growing by the day! Grrrrrrr


          • #80
            Originally posted by Nikol View Post
            I prefer you don't ever write about something like that ! Not ever again! The PC is high enough already! Don't you dare give them "smart" ideas. Any increase will trigger a proper response from my side!

            I hope this is nothing you've heard, its just a warning.
            bf itself has mentioned that their api will be without any charges till 15. jan. and then? what do you believe? they are changing with many costs the technical structure for a benefit-donation to us? hahaha.
            of course one day they will charge or for the new api-ng or later on for the push-streaming-service.


            • #81
              The program works fine, but setting up virtual bets worsened. Before you can enable or disable virtual bets with one click. In dynamic markets several times had to turn on and off the virtual betting to ensure their availability in a specific ratio. Please make on and off as they used to be, but setting them (top3 and full) apart.


              • #82
                Have now been getting ' AGX ERROR 006' a number of times when submitting and cancelling bets. Haven't seen this before.


                • #83
                  {Code : -32099 Message : ANGX-0006 Data : errorDetails : errorCode : UNEXPECTED_ERROR requestUUID : prdang007-11130238-0005ef4437 }

                  I think betfair data for AUS markets today is completly screwed up. I am getting loads of these errors from betfair at the moment.


                  • #84
                    Cheers for the reply Geek :-)


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by helplessone View Post
                      bf itself has mentioned that their api will be without any charges till 15. jan. and then? what do you believe? they are changing with many costs the technical structure for a benefit-donation to us? hahaha.
                      of course one day they will charge or for the new api-ng or later on for the push-streaming-service.
                      what exactly push streaming service means I don't know whats that. So they will charge for the new API ??? The Geek, could you enlight us what is going on here? As far as I understand it, they will charge the vendors, not us?


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Road_DAD View Post
                        Now "h" is a good old new level. All my previous issues are gone with the wind. Opening/Closing markets, programm window, changing selections, placing bets - everything faster then lightning. "Close all" markets works same fast as before.

                        What i ve just seen: error not returned if i try to open market which is already had been closed.
                        Originally posted by The Geek View Post
                        That one wasn't on the priority list for this release, but hopefully the next one subject to no serious shit hitting in the meantime.
                        Same here, and the live video icon. For the rest, wow... today is not a heavy loaded day but i see a big diference in the geeks speed. Opening the markets, tick offset.. for now everything is smooth and fast.


                        • #87
                          This 1.3h version seems to be much better than the previous. Markets opening and closing and updating at normal speed. Good job, Geeks Toy team, it seems to be working well. Thank you


                          • #88
                            In 1.2 when i opened an closed market, i would get a popup with market closed , what happens now is it just rolls up the markets

                            any ideas?


                            • #89
                              Yep, we're aware of it, it just wasn't on the priority list for this release, but hopefully the next one subject to no serious shit hitting in the meantime.

                              What's new in version 1.2


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by layallday View Post
                                In 1.2 when i opened an closed market, i would get a popup with market closed , what happens now is it just rolls up the markets

                                any ideas?
                                To be fixed. See post #9 in the current thread.

