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Square pegs in round holes

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  • #31
    My result


    Looks like we are all here


    Having read the description of Crafter I think that it is a good description of me. Except the bit about helping with building projects


    • #32
      Ive just done this and am INTP-Architect,Introverts do some the trading type


      • #33
        That test was uncanny.

        I came out as an INTJ (Mastermind) as well but what really freaky was the career suggestions page.

        Computer Programming - (i'm a programmer)
        Natural Science/Natural Science Education (have always had a very keen interest)
        Engineering (i was an electronics [Avionics] engineer in the Royal Air force)
        Management/Entrepreneurship (I'm the MD of my own company of 10 years)
        Law/Librarian (One of my companies first projects was writing an online law courseware system for students aimed at University and College Librarians)

        Spooky - i'm off for a sit down !!!!


        • #34
          INTJ as well, ex-programmer, now full-time trader.


          • #35
            How long have you been a full time trader? I only make a few grand a year at it - so it's still a hobby for me - not enough to replace a full income.

            Going full time must take some guts


            • #36
              Originally posted by Constantine View Post
              How long have you been a full time trader? I only make a few grand a year at it - so it's still a hobby for me - not enough to replace a full income.

              Going full time must take some guts
              1.5 years already, after loosing my job, and being pissed of with office politics and working for somebody, though I'd try trading, and cracked it quite quickly. I'm in my early 20's, no debts, family, so it wasn't hard decision


              • #37
                polkius.... how you finding the first year or so?? looking forward to going FT in the future myself, just so long the levy changes dont screw everything up!
                Edges are ten-a-penny, execution is everything

                Read My FULL-TIME Racing Traders Blog Here!!
                T F YouTube


                • #38
                  Even for such a specialised activity it is quite striking just how many INTJ's or close variants there are. It shows how certain types are attracted to and successful (hopefully) at this trading lark. Even having worked with specialised groups in the past the results on this thread are unusually similar!

                  The mastermind (INTJ)

                  Introverts expend energy in social situations (whereas extraverts gain energy).

                  Intuitive, able to focus on future possibilities and read between the lines.

                  Thinkers rather than feelers. Logic wins over emotion all day long.

                  Rely on judgement rather than perception. Thing tend to be well planned rather than "it'll be alright on the night".

                  Masterminds tend to be motivated by the above but that certainly doesn't mean they're unable to behave very differently if needed. However people tend to be at our best when we get to behave in the same way as we are motivated - especially in a money making scenario.

                  a big thanks to everyone who contributed - pop psychology at its finest.

                  p.s. as an ESTP i'm fecked.


                  • #39


                    • #40

                      Yup, another INTJ!! That fits, i come from an engineering background, university drop out, messy desk and have got a touch of the old adventurer in me!


                      • #41
                        I might change my avatar...

                        Anyone who says he can see through women... is missing a lot.
                        G. Marx


                        • #42
                          INTJ Mastermind here muahahahahahaha

                          Pity it hasnt helped me with trading lol. I have a Judging percent of 1... so obviously my poor judgement is clouding my trading.

                          It makes sense that INTJs get involved in trading.other types may either think "I dont understand it", or else not believe that it was possible , so wouldnt try. INTJs think anything is possible, and that they can do anything if they put their mind to it.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by neeeel View Post
                            INTJ Mastermind here muahahahahahaha

                            Pity it hasnt helped me with trading lol. I have a Judging percent of 1... so obviously my poor judgement is clouding my trading.

                            It makes sense that INTJs get involved in trading.other types may either think "I dont understand it", or else not believe that it was possible , so wouldnt try. INTJs think anything is possible, and that they can do anything if they put their mind to it.

                            Join the 1% Judgement club!! Did you get dropped on the head as a baby too??!!!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by doubleback View Post
                              Join the 1% Judgement club!! Did you get dropped on the head as a baby too??!!!
                              hehe dunno, ive been told that i would fall off the couch as a baby and just laugh


                              • #45
                                changing a few answers on sides of my behavior I spent (and still spending) a big deal of time fighting over for the better (or rather what I think is the better) I came out with:
                                judging by the definitions I'd say INTP is what I instinctively am, while ENFJ is what I struggle to be.
                                Anyone who says he can see through women... is missing a lot.
                                G. Marx

