Hi guys.
The problem I am having is that I can find good streams for football without too much of a delay. I don't know if my laptop is the problem, but its never a 100% smooth stream, every few seconds it will stop for a fraction of a second then resume. I assumed when it comes back it would be in time but these little stops add up overtime and what I found tonight is the Chile v Uruguay game was that the market was suspended and nothing happened in the game. A minute later Chile scored.
I took note of the clock after play resumed at about 78 minutes and refreshed the page. This took about 10 seconds and when the stream came back the match clock on the video showed 80mins 35seconds. It seems these little stops in the stream are in effect pausing the stream then it resumes but doesn't catch up to the real time stream. Over the course of 30 mins I'm losing about a minute and a half in tiny pauses in the stream which means I may as well be watching Top Gear while trading than a 'live' stream thats over a minute behind the action.
I just wondered is this something you guys have come across at all and is it due to my laptop just not able to hold the stream in real time or some other issue?
Look forward to hearing what you guys think. Thanks
The problem I am having is that I can find good streams for football without too much of a delay. I don't know if my laptop is the problem, but its never a 100% smooth stream, every few seconds it will stop for a fraction of a second then resume. I assumed when it comes back it would be in time but these little stops add up overtime and what I found tonight is the Chile v Uruguay game was that the market was suspended and nothing happened in the game. A minute later Chile scored.
I took note of the clock after play resumed at about 78 minutes and refreshed the page. This took about 10 seconds and when the stream came back the match clock on the video showed 80mins 35seconds. It seems these little stops in the stream are in effect pausing the stream then it resumes but doesn't catch up to the real time stream. Over the course of 30 mins I'm losing about a minute and a half in tiny pauses in the stream which means I may as well be watching Top Gear while trading than a 'live' stream thats over a minute behind the action.
I just wondered is this something you guys have come across at all and is it due to my laptop just not able to hold the stream in real time or some other issue?
Look forward to hearing what you guys think. Thanks