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faster horse race feeds

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  • faster horse race feeds

    Being quite new I may be asking a stupid question but here goes ...
    I have noticed that on uk racing and at the races and sky that the time delay various from 3/4 to 5/6 seconds
    is there any method /service that can reduce this to a more real time lag of say a 1 at most 2 seconds.
    thanks for reading.

  • #2
    Nice 1st post.

    Now tell me - Why would anyone give you that information?

    Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.


    • #3
      thanks for replying didnt realise i was asking for the holy grail lol


      • #4
        Forgive me, I am quite old fashioned, where I come from you generally introduce yourself. Why not tell us a bit about yourself first before asking for information of that kind?
        Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.


        • #5
          My fault. He asked us by eMail and I didn't have a scooby so I told him to try here.

          What's new in version 1.2


          • #6
            Sitting closer to the screen will reduce the delay by about 3.3 nano seconds per meter... That's probably not enough though...
            If you want more luck... Take more chances!


            • #7
              Originally posted by 63farmboy View Post
              thanks for replying didnt realise i was asking for the holy grail lol
              A feed with <1 second delay is the holy grail. I'm still looking for it.
              In the meantime, enjoy:

              Last edited by lcredd; 2 July 2013, 09:46 AM. Reason: is it < or > ??


              • #8
                There is a long and varied history associated with shrewdies trying to get a fast pic advantage over the average exchange player. Some day someone should write a book about it.

                Nowadays you have to be trackside to get the ultimate advantage, how feasible that is I don't know. I'm sure somebody on this forum must do it, perhaps they will step up and give you the inside gen.

                In the meantime you can always do what these guys do.

                Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.


                • #9
                  For free your Betfair LV is best but its about 1.5 seconds slow (minimum) on some tracks Leicester,Worcester and about 12 more its upto 4 seconds behind..
                  Some of the track lads can beat the guy who presses the button to turn the market in play,you'll see a price shoot up before the off, then when the market turns in play the trend will keep going.Then the stalls open on the live feed and one refuses or is away very slowly a good 2 second advantage/a few thousand pound between them...Even more with a faller

                  The fastest pics are RaceTech or SIS its a package for about £8200 for a year so ive heard or you can try going to a traders beam back where they show all sporting events for people to trade for a fee but even then the lads on the track are in front

