Do or Die, Fight or Flight, Make or Break, today i've opted for the former from all of these phrases. normally when one of these are applicable, the outcome is uncertain. with me it's no different, i've never really committed or approached a month's trading in this way so i'm really curious for the result
We all know how easy it can be to generate some green on the fair and similarly so how swiftly we can rack up losses [especially back-to-back ones]
In the past, naivety and short-term thinking has led me to bust many a bank and is why i come here with a 1-month challenge & a place to log my profits/loss where i can't pretend to myself not to have had that bad day by depositing some more bankroll
Many days i would have big green but bust banks can easily reset that. I'm aiming for a slower and less varying profit through trading. For me to take this with a serious tone i've told myself this will be my last ever deposit to betfair. Now obviously this may or may not be the case down the line but for this month at least, it's what i've tried to believe
if you end up following this, thank you. no doubt it'll help provide me with motivation to not c*ck it up...
The challenge:
Deposited £800 this morning
Date range: 17th April - 16th May
This will be a purely pre-race horse race trading challenge, normally i'll dabble in-play but for the sake of avoiding varying results i'm putting my in-play strats on the shelf for the time being
1. No depositing during challenge
2. No in-play this month whatsoever (In-play take SP will be used)
3. Trading ends for the rest of the challenge period if my bank drops below £200
4. If at the end of any day my balance is over 1,000 i'll withdraw any excess (back down to 1,000)
5. State any days off in advance
6. Make it out alive
P&L will be posted @ end of each day along with any thoughts i may be having
Thoughts #1: Unsure how i will approach the first day. Will most likely skip some markets or start out slowly to gain some confidence (chuck's top tip imo!)
Let the fun and games begin
We all know how easy it can be to generate some green on the fair and similarly so how swiftly we can rack up losses [especially back-to-back ones]
In the past, naivety and short-term thinking has led me to bust many a bank and is why i come here with a 1-month challenge & a place to log my profits/loss where i can't pretend to myself not to have had that bad day by depositing some more bankroll
Many days i would have big green but bust banks can easily reset that. I'm aiming for a slower and less varying profit through trading. For me to take this with a serious tone i've told myself this will be my last ever deposit to betfair. Now obviously this may or may not be the case down the line but for this month at least, it's what i've tried to believe
if you end up following this, thank you. no doubt it'll help provide me with motivation to not c*ck it up...
The challenge:
Deposited £800 this morning
Date range: 17th April - 16th May
This will be a purely pre-race horse race trading challenge, normally i'll dabble in-play but for the sake of avoiding varying results i'm putting my in-play strats on the shelf for the time being
1. No depositing during challenge
2. No in-play this month whatsoever (In-play take SP will be used)
3. Trading ends for the rest of the challenge period if my bank drops below £200
4. If at the end of any day my balance is over 1,000 i'll withdraw any excess (back down to 1,000)
5. State any days off in advance
6. Make it out alive
P&L will be posted @ end of each day along with any thoughts i may be having
Thoughts #1: Unsure how i will approach the first day. Will most likely skip some markets or start out slowly to gain some confidence (chuck's top tip imo!)
Let the fun and games begin