Geeks Toy doesn't do Lager
...we do Kick Ass Betfair trading software

In 2007 whilst researching another project, The Geek stumbled upon Betfair trading and noticed the abscence of any decent quality trading software. Believeing he could do better, he set himself the challenge of writing Geeks Toy. In 2009 Geeks Toy was launched, and was an imediate success, setting new heights in performance, reliability and customisation. By 2012, simply by word of mouth, Geeks Toy had become the most popular software used for trading on Betfair. We haven't rested on our laurels, and continually upgrade Geeks Toy with new features that really matter to traders!




Hours that Geeks Toy has served users.




Horses injured while using Geeks Toy.

Not quite sure how I found this website but am bloody glad I did! having used other products for a year or so I can confidently say for my own trading then Geeks Toy beats them all. One word sums it up perfectly. Superb

Talented Mavericks Limited
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NN18 8LB

+44(0)7842 812832

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