I have only been trading these markets since january, so i am by no means an expert. But i thought i would show you a few strategies i use when trading the dogs.
There will be three or four strategies i use, and at the end i will record a two hour trading session with everything included.
I do make money from trading greyhounds (not much though), and you might be asking why i am sharing this with you ? if everyone uses these strategies they won't work right, and that is true. well firstly, i am assuming that very few people will read this, and even fewer will actually go on and try them out. And even then, statistically speaking very few will be able to turn the strategies into profit. If a particular strategy becomes saturated, then playing against it will make money. You have to adapt to changes.
If you are new to trading greyhounds, or even trading in general, please start with £2 stakes. And remember, if you lose, it doesn't mean you can't do it. Keep at it and you will get there eventually
Strategy 1 - Market making
If you are new to trading these markets, then i would advise playing with this strategy for a few days, just so you learn how they move and you get a better feel for them.
Greyhound markets are very illiquid. This means that there are many gaps in the market. Gaps to be filled.
If you see a gap in the market, then fill it. Simples. This means that you are at the front of the queue, and you have a good chance of being matched.
Once you have put your orders in, just sit tight and stay away from the action. This way you can take advantage of sudden spikes in the market, which happens frequently on the dogs. More often than not the price will return to around where it was before the spike, and then you take your money. This is best done in the last 20 seconds before the race starts, because people get desperate in closing their positions, and will take almost any price. You are taking advantage of their desperation. If the price continues to go against you after the spike, then it is important to cut your losses as soon as you can.
Market making video -
There will be three or four strategies i use, and at the end i will record a two hour trading session with everything included.
I do make money from trading greyhounds (not much though), and you might be asking why i am sharing this with you ? if everyone uses these strategies they won't work right, and that is true. well firstly, i am assuming that very few people will read this, and even fewer will actually go on and try them out. And even then, statistically speaking very few will be able to turn the strategies into profit. If a particular strategy becomes saturated, then playing against it will make money. You have to adapt to changes.
If you are new to trading greyhounds, or even trading in general, please start with £2 stakes. And remember, if you lose, it doesn't mean you can't do it. Keep at it and you will get there eventually
Strategy 1 - Market making
If you are new to trading these markets, then i would advise playing with this strategy for a few days, just so you learn how they move and you get a better feel for them.
Greyhound markets are very illiquid. This means that there are many gaps in the market. Gaps to be filled.
If you see a gap in the market, then fill it. Simples. This means that you are at the front of the queue, and you have a good chance of being matched.
Once you have put your orders in, just sit tight and stay away from the action. This way you can take advantage of sudden spikes in the market, which happens frequently on the dogs. More often than not the price will return to around where it was before the spike, and then you take your money. This is best done in the last 20 seconds before the race starts, because people get desperate in closing their positions, and will take almost any price. You are taking advantage of their desperation. If the price continues to go against you after the spike, then it is important to cut your losses as soon as you can.
Market making video -