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Do you think is it cruelty people treating horse and greyhound for racing?

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  • Do you think is it cruelty people treating horse and greyhound for racing?

    why dont we use our profit on those kind of sport trade and try to improve condition of those animal?

  • #2
    1st. - These animals live better life than you are.
    2nd. - The conditions for them are the best, exactly because they are used for racing.
    3rd. - Even the horses love to race. Wheres the problem then?
    PS. Do you wanna see a horses which are badly treated? Just come to Bulgaria and see the jipsies horses which are used to transport trash from one place to another....


    • #3
      This is what cruelty means...
      Translation from part of the conversation in the video:
      - Why are you hitting your horse so hard, look that he can't breath...
      - Get out or I will hit you...
      - Omg, they killed the poor horse, I hope God punish you for that (in the end of the video).

      So You are saying that the horses, used for racing are badly treated?!?!!? I definitely don't think so - look at this horse, forced to pull that heavy cart all they long... Till his dead. Compare this to a well treated race horse which looks perfect, race perfect and cost millions... I think thats enough to show you that your argument isn't right at all...


      • #4
        no you misunderstand me? I am pretty sure that video is about cruel. I just want to all of this Capitalist improve the animal conditions, they earn so much money. Why dont extract a little bit profit from that to do a better thing to greyhound or horse. Too much to handle those animal without much money.


        • #5
          No - I think you are refusing to understand me!
          I am telling you for the last time! Your argument is bad and quite unsustainable! THE CONDITIONS FOR THE HORSES IN THE UK ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD THEY CAN BE! AND THATS EXACTLY BECAUSE THEY ARE RACING!
          If you so desperately want to help the poor anymals I suggest you can channel your energy for saving the horses which need actual saving. Or you have other goals here, completely different from what you declare?...


          • #6
            oh common why you being mad at me? just my opinion about that? but anyway if you dont like that let close the thread. I still wonder why you get mad at me . Just calm down I still being doubt about their condition. I bet that is still tough to manage their condition . Just cheers up


            • #7
              I am not mad at you.


              • #8
                ok if you are not mad at me, let smile, shake hand and kiss .


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Nikol View Post
                  I am not mad at you.
                  Originally posted by anbe411 View Post
                  ok if you are not mad at me, let smile, shake hand and kiss .
                  mmmmmmmMUAH my fellow geeky mates, The love on this forum is so overwhelming :Brilliant


                  • #10
                    There’s nuffink like a good ol’ lurve story ...

